[systemd-devel] [Patch] Fix systemd-readahead-collect on mips platform

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Wed Mar 16 18:27:17 PDT 2011

On Thu, 17.03.11 00:45, fykcee1 at gmail.com (fykcee1 at gmail.com) wrote:


> >> Attachment is the patch fixing broken systemd-readahead-collect on
> >> mips. The patch is actually fixing the fanotify syscall on mips:
> >> 1. Adjust to correct syscall number.
> >> 2. Using directly fanotify syscall instead of
> >> "syscall(__NR_FANOTIFY_MARK)", which is broken on the test platform.
> >
> > Hmm, what precisely is broken? the syscall() implementation in your
> > glibc? If so I'd very much prefer if glibc is fixed instead. We
> > generally prefer fixing bugs where they are instead of taping over them
> > in other software.
> The patch fix two problems:
> 1. The system call number of __NR_fanotify_* is not corrrect on mips.

This one definitely makes sense for us to merge. Could you split this
one off and prep a whitespace clean patch for it? (We actually have a
git hook that ensures that patches are whitespace clean. It is enabled
when you run autogen.sh. When I tried to merge your earlier patch today
I couldn't do so, since your patch was not whitespace clean.)

I you prep me a patch for this part I'll merge it right-away.

BTW, no need to include config.h from the C sources. We do so
automatically for all sources via gcc's -include switch on the command

> 2. "syscall(__NR_FANOTIFY_MARK, ...)" doesn't work, I guess it was the
> problem of eglibc(see
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=618562).

Yes, this looks much better. eglibc looks the right place to fix this.



Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.

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