[systemd-devel] LWN.net has complete text; Google Docs requires cookies and doesn't appear to scale well

J.B. Nicholson-Owens jbn at forestfield.org
Thu May 5 04:55:37 PDT 2011

Lennart Poettering wrote:
> Some folks copied this into the comments on the LWN article:
> http://lwn.net/Articles/441328/#Comments

Ah, thanks for that pointer and for publishing the list.

As a suggestion: next time could someone post the contents of the text 
to this mailing list since this mailing list appears to scale up better 
than Google Docs ("There are currently too many people viewing this 
document. Please try again later.") and not require cookies?  I'm 
guessing most readers just want to see the list and not edit it, so a 
read-only copy should suffice.

The most direct link to that text is


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