[systemd-devel] [bug?] screen not working correctly under systemd

Marius Tolzmann tolzmann at molgen.mpg.de
Thu May 19 00:49:25 PDT 2011


may be the complete session of the user gets killed after logout..

to prevent this i have set

session required pam_systemd.so create-session=1 kill-user=0 kill-session=0

in my PAM config.. see pam_systemd(8) ..

so screen sessions do continue to run after logout here..

bye m.

On 05/19/11 08:47, microcai wrote:
> When you ssh to an systemd machine, and start a screen session, detach
> and logout.
> Then this screen session will be wipe out by systemd, so , when you
> login back, there will be no screen session out there.
> Is this a bug? of screen or systemd?

Dipl.-Inf. Marius Tolzmann <marius.tolzmann at molgen.mpg.de>
MPI f. molekulare Genetik         |
Ihnestrasse 63-73, D-14195 Berlin |   ==> MarIuX GNU/Linux <==
Phone: +49 (0)30 8413 1709        |
God put me on earth to accomplish a certain number of things.
Right now I am so far behind..
   ..I will never die.         <by calvin from calvin&hobbes ;)>

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