[systemd-devel] Restart and RestartSec in packaged .service files

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Thu Sep 1 02:50:44 PDT 2011

Am 01.09.2011 11:45, schrieb Jan Willies:
> 2011/9/1 Reindl Harald <h.reindl at thelounge.net <mailto:h.reindl at thelounge.net>>
>     also having the restart-options but no way to set them without
>     override the whole .service file is simply a unfinished design
> That's not true. You can include the original service file and just add/overwrite your specific settings

how will you do that?

"systemctl" does only symlinks as default
if you replace the symlink with your changed unit-file you are
forking it and the one from the package is not used any longer
and if there are added ExecStartPost/ExecStartBefore in a
future update you have to change your unit-file

this problem is exactly the question from the original post

stat /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/httpd.service
Datei: „/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/httpd.service“ -> „/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service“

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