[systemd-devel] Problem with systemd and UPS [apcupsd]

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Fri Sep 23 07:33:35 PDT 2011

On Thu, 22.09.11 16:14, Frank Daley (interoperate at gmail.com) wrote:

> Trying to work out how to configure systemd to support following
> scenario with a server running the apcupsd daemon
> 1. Server is configured to automatically restart when receives power.
> 2. If server is unplugged from UPS, and then is reconnected, it
> starts. However, if the server is shut down due to a power failure,
> once power is restored it does not automatically restart.
> Information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/apcupsd has scenario
> where init script calls halt "otherwise the UPS will stay on and your
> system will not automatically reboot when utility power returns".
> How can systemd be configured to achieve the same result?

Uh, that part talks about split-off /usr. If people want to support that
in some way they need to make sure that the UPS software is fully
available in the root file system, with all its dependencies.


Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.

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