[systemd-devel] systemd equivalent of chkconfig --list | grep '3:on'

Nick Urbanik nicku at nicku.org
Thu Sep 29 04:21:25 PDT 2011

Dear Michal,

Thank you for your helpful response.

On 29/09/11 12:19 +0200, Michal Schmidt wrote:
>Since ssh login works, you can get some debug information. Boot with 
>"log_buf_len=1M systemd.log_level=debug systemd.log_target=kmsg", 
>login via ssh and save the output of the 'dmesg' command.
>The output of 'systemctl dump' may also be helpful.
>Paste them somewhere online where we can take a look.

Both of those files are here;

Current symptoms:
I cannot change to any of the other console screens.
systemctl start getty.target just sits there with no apparent result.

Any further suggestions towards understanding are most welcome.
Nick Urbanik             http://nicku.org           nicku at nicku.org
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