[systemd-devel] PATCH: improve LSB initscript handling regarding RemainAfterExit

Frederic Crozat fcrozat at suse.com
Fri Sep 30 04:27:20 PDT 2011


currently, all LSB initscripts have RemainAfterExit=true, since pidfile
is not available in the header (unlike "fedora" like headers). This is
problematic when a daemon started from an initscript gets killed (or
something similar), because the service still looks active (see
https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=721426 ).

Attached patch tries to mitigate that, by checking if a daemon was
detected in this case and change RemainAfterExit to false.
Frederic Crozat <fcrozat at suse.com>

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