[systemd-devel] pyload.service
sweetthdevil at gmail.com
Tue Nov 6 00:42:37 PST 2012
On 06/11/12 04:21, Lucas De Marchi wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 1:19 PM, Sw at g <sweetthdevil at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> As a Archlinux user which adopted systemd for the best, I moved my system to
>> it. I follow the wiki to start pyLoad as a service creating the following
>> file:
>> /etc/systemd/system/pyload.service (sweetth being my user)
>> [Unit]
>> Description=Downloadtool for One-Click-Hoster written in python.
>> After=network.target
>> [Service]
>> Type=forking
>> PIDFile=/run/pyload/pyload.pid
> maybe it's a bug in how pyload is daemonize itself, or writting the
> pidfile. It's simpler to just change type to simple (actually removing
> the "Type=" line), and remove the PIDFile. Then, remove the --daemon
> option like below:
>> ExecStart=/usr/bin/pyLoadCore --daemon
> ExecStart=/usr/bin/pyLoadCore
>> KillSignal=SIGQUIT
>> User=sweetth
>> [Install]
>> WantedBy=multi-user.targe
> typo: multi-user.target
> I just installed it here and tested it works. I didn't really use it, though
> Lucas De Marchi
Dear Lucas,
Many thanks for your assistance and time! I tried it quickly this
morning and it seems to work flawlessly.
Again thank you all for you time and assistance
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