[systemd-devel] journalctl wish: Follow in less

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Tue Nov 20 10:09:06 PST 2012

On Mon, 29.10.12 09:18, Colin Guthrie (gmane at colin.guthr.ie) wrote:

> Hi,
> Just a quick note of a wish while I remember. As you've tried very hard
> to make "journalctl" without any arguments act mostly like "less
> /var/log/messages", one thing I sometimes used to do but no longer can
> is scroll to the end of the output (shift+g [or just G if you prefer!])
> and then enter follow mode via shift+f [aka F]. Less then displays
> "Waiting for data... (interrupt to abort)".
> Obviously when lessing a file this works fine, but when used in
> conjunction with journalctl, it does not.
> Would it be possible to enable some automatic "all output+follow" mode
> (as opposed to the "last 10 lines+follow" mode that -f enables) and
> enable this mode by default when the automatic paging is used? When
> going to the end of the file you'll still only see what it there when
> you hit G, but you should then be able to enable follow mode inside the
> pager without any quirks.
> As a side note, when you try and exit less' follow mode, you normally
> press ctrl+c ("interrupt to abort"). When used with journalctl+pager
> this just exists immediately. This would also need to be fixed to make
> it behave in the same way.

Added this to the TODO list. Not sure we can really make this work, but
we need to invistigate this at least.


Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.

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