[systemd-devel] pm-utils quirks

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Mon Oct 22 07:28:20 PDT 2012

On Mon, 22.10.12 15:20, Colin Guthrie (gmane at colin.guthr.ie) wrote:

> Hi,


> Might have been covered elsewhere in some docs but is there any info on
> how to plan for a post-pm-utils world?

Not really, the interesting bits of pm-utils are done by systemd in C
code directly. pm-utils doesn't really have any purpose anymore and
upower can defer to systemd's logind instead.

> pm-utils had several quirks (many of which are likely obsolete - for me
> the vt switching stuff which is apparently quirked on my h/w makes
> suspend/resume uglier and gives no benefit), but with a switch to
> systemd for suspend all these quirks obviously no longer apply.

According to the X driver folks the quirks are entirey unnecessary these
days, and if there indeed is something left over then it should be fixed
in the drivers, not in userspace quirks. We only did the in-systemd
suspending after ensuring that the quirks are entirely unnecessary now.

> So the question is, what should be done about it?

Nothing, really. Just don't pull it in anymore.


Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.

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