[systemd-devel] [PATCH] Add zsh completion

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Sun Oct 28 06:19:17 PDT 2012

On Fri, 26.10.12 05:58, Daniel Wallace (danielwallace at gtmanfred.com) wrote:


I must say I am a bit concerned about this, and not sure we should
really merge this. I mean, I applaud your work, but I wonder if this
is stuff that really belongs in systemd proper.

In general we try to follow the rule of including the bits and pieces
in systemd where one can make a good case that it is likely that the
biggest chunk of people will end up using this anayway, and where it
makes sense to maintain this in lockstep with systemd. This is why we
merged the bash completion stuff, and the python bindings: it's most
likely more setups that will use these bits, than that won't.

Now, when we merged the Python bindings we tried to make clear that
we'd only grant Python this special privilege, and not Lua or PHP,
since Python is kinda in the position like no other scripting
language in that is very widely accepted, as a clear perspective for
the future, is relatively complete and frequently used in system-level

Aside from that I actually regularly hack Python myself, and hence can
maintain this stuff myself if I need to. Similar, I also frequently
write Bash scripts, and hence can maintain the bash completion logic
(even though I admittedly would have to read up on the completion
stuff quite a bit before I could get hacking...)

Now, looking at all of this I am a bit conservative about the zsh
completion stuff. I have no doubt that this will be useful for many
people, the same way I really applaud the PHP and Lua bindings, but I
am not convinced that systemd itself is the place this should live in.

Hence: can I convince you to maybe maintain this outside of systemd?
Maybe propose for inclusion in zsh upstream? Or put it up on github?
(in the latter case: we maintain a list of related packages on the
systemd homepage which lists the PHP/Lua/Javascript bindings, so
please add it there!)

I hope this makes some sens, even if it is disappointing.


Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.

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