[systemd-devel] journalctl wish: Follow in less

Colin Guthrie gmane at colin.guthr.ie
Mon Oct 29 02:18:53 PDT 2012


Just a quick note of a wish while I remember. As you've tried very hard
to make "journalctl" without any arguments act mostly like "less
/var/log/messages", one thing I sometimes used to do but no longer can
is scroll to the end of the output (shift+g [or just G if you prefer!])
and then enter follow mode via shift+f [aka F]. Less then displays
"Waiting for data... (interrupt to abort)".

Obviously when lessing a file this works fine, but when used in
conjunction with journalctl, it does not.

Would it be possible to enable some automatic "all output+follow" mode
(as opposed to the "last 10 lines+follow" mode that -f enables) and
enable this mode by default when the automatic paging is used? When
going to the end of the file you'll still only see what it there when
you hit G, but you should then be able to enable follow mode inside the
pager without any quirks.

As a side note, when you try and exit less' follow mode, you normally
press ctrl+c ("interrupt to abort"). When used with journalctl+pager
this just exists immediately. This would also need to be fixed to make
it behave in the same way.




Colin Guthrie

Day Job:
  Tribalogic Limited http://www.tribalogic.net/
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