[systemd-devel] Keeping console messages on VT1

Allin Cottrell cottrell at wfu.edu
Wed Sep 26 15:20:30 PDT 2012

On Thu, 27 Sep 2012, Henrik /KaarPoSoft wrote:

> When systemd is starting, it shows log messages (i.e. console output) on 
> Virtual Terminal 1 (VT1).
> However:
> (1) When logind is starting, it shows a login prompt on VT1. This prompt may 
> come in the middle of the console messages, messing up the display.

True, and it doesn't look very nice, but it doesn't actually disrupt 
the login process. If you just type username and password it works 
fine, even if visually overlaid with messages.

Allin Cottrell

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