[systemd-devel] Duplicate assignment of kernel/sysrq

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Fri Apr 5 13:07:07 PDT 2013

Am 05.04.2013 18:51, schrieb Lennart Poettering:
> On Tue, 02.04.13 01:53, Reindl Harald (h.reindl at thelounge.net) wrote:
>> Am 02.04.2013 01:28, schrieb Tom Gundersen:
>>> That said, the fact that we are currently parsing /etc/sysctl.conf is
>>> not documented
>> and you broke it completly in Fedora 18 
> did we? Actually, we apply sysctl once at boot, which only will apply
> all options that are available in the kernel at that point, and then
> will run for network devices that show up from a udev rule. That is more
> than was done previously

yes you did

"/etc/sysctl.conf" contains "net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1" on 3 machines
acting as routers and on the F18 release day after the upgrade all
stopped forwarding anything and "sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward" gave
0 as output, after type "sysctl -p" ping started in the same moment

since this day i have on ANY machine a service which calls "sysctl -p"
late at boot, also on any F17 machine i maintain to make sure my settings
are applied and to not forget this on this machines

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