[systemd-devel] RFC: should try-restart be a no-op or restart when "stop" is pending

Frederic Crozat fcrozat at suse.com
Mon Apr 8 06:43:47 PDT 2013

Hi all,

in one of opened bug reports against systemd
( https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=812541 ), I found a
questionable behavior regarding try-restart:

when a "stop" call is pending (for instance reboot / shutdown / etc..),
a "try-restart" call will act as noop or as restart, depending if "stop"
call was processed or not when "try-restart" is called.

Michal has already fixed the "shutdown doesn't terminate properly" bug
by creating irreversible jobs (but unfortunately, I can't backport the
patch, due to its size). However, on a more general level, I'm still
wondering if "try-restart" behavior should be more deterministic (ie
check if a "stop" call is pending) or should we keep the current
behavior ? 

Is there people expecting issue if the behavior is changed ?

Frederic Crozat <fcrozat at suse.com>

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