[systemd-devel] Boot Service on Select Motherboard Only

systemdkiosk at yopmail.com systemdkiosk at yopmail.com
Mon Apr 15 15:03:58 PDT 2013

Question: how to boot ntpd.service on one PC and not others from the
same USB stick.

Network Time Service computes clock tweaks for a motherboard. The idea
is to run it on just one motherboard brand/model, or maybe serial
number. If the USB stick boots another PC, then ntpd is bypassed,
because the recorded values on disk are irrelevant and wrong.

The issues may well have more to do with udev than systemd, but I'd
appreciate guidance. It would be nice to use stock ntpd.service, but I
don't know if systemd can manage, or how a custom service may look if

Thanks much

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