[systemd-devel] Lid close event delivered delayed

Jan Engelhardt jengelh at inai.de
Wed Apr 17 08:20:47 PDT 2013

On Wednesday 2013-04-17 16:42, Lennart Poettering wrote:
>On Wed, 17.04.13 06:58, Jan Engelhardt (jengelh at inai.de) wrote:
>Well, the current logic is that we suspend when the lid is
>closed,[...] Lid switch inhibitor locks are currently per-VT, i.e. a
>lock taken by GNOME is considered irrelevant if you switch away from
>GNOME.[...] So in order to make sure the lid switch suspend works
>fine even when you happen to switch away from GNOME logind will
>handle it then.

That reasoning is perfectly fine; the problem is that logind
acts upon a physical lid state change from the distant past.

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