[systemd-devel] How to use "systemctl preset" ?

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Tue Dec 10 09:54:42 PST 2013

On Sun, 08.12.13 21:13, Andrey Borzenkov (arvidjaar at gmail.com) wrote:

> > i hope someone who shall explain how to apply "systemctl preset" to
> > enable/disable many units at once.
> You need to list all units as arguments to "systemctl preset". As I
> understand, that's intended more for packaging support where package
> can issue "systemctl preset unit" during installation to enable/disable
> unit according to local policy. So it is more "remove policy knowledge
> from command" than "automate many units at once".


(Though unrelated to the specific issue at hand: I'd actually be open to
extend "systemctl preset" so that when called without arguments will
actually operate on all units on the system and bring them in line with
the preset settings shipped by upstream. Or with other words this would
then be "unfuck my system" call, that would undo all user configuration
in /etc/systemd/system).


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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