[systemd-devel] Logging in an enterprise environment

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Wed Dec 11 06:22:13 PST 2013

On Wed, 11.12.13 14:43, Cecil Westerhof (Cecil.Westerhof at Snow.nl) wrote:

> On 12/11/2013 02:25 PM, Cecil Westerhof wrote:
> >>You can to centralized logging with the journal too, by simply making
> >>the journal files you want to look at accessible on the same
> >>machine. This could be done via NFS sharing, or by copying them to a
> >>central host via rsync or scp or even ftp, whatever you
> >>prefer. "journalctl -m" will then be able to coalesce them on display.
> >
> >NFS is not acceptable I am told, but I'll inquire about the other
> >possibilities.
> >
> >By the way: is just copying possible? What if an event is logged at the
> >moment the copy is done?
> I just had a little check. Copying is not acceptable. Logging on the
> log-server should be real-time.

If you want logging on the server in real-time, then use rsyslog.


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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