[systemd-devel] [HACK/RFC/PATCH] systemd-su: "su" on steroids

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Wed Dec 11 06:27:50 PST 2013

On Wed, 11.12.13 13:54, David Herrmann (dh.herrmann at gmail.com) wrote:

> Hi
> On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 12:18 AM, Lennart Poettering
> <lennart at poettering.net> wrote:
> > On Mon, 02.12.13 21:47, David Herrmann (dh.herrmann at gmail.com) wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> 4h later, I present "systemd-su":
> >>
> >> If you want to give it a try, run:
> >>   systemd-su -u david /bin/sh
> >>
> >> It requires the systemd-suexec helper internally, so if you didn't install
> >> it, use something like this:
> >>   SYSTEMD_SUEXEC=/home/david/dev/systemd/systemd-suexec ./systemd-su -u david sh
> >> Otherwise, systemd-su cannot find the systemd-suexec binary.
> >
> > Hmm, if we allow that "su -" tells logind to create an entirely new
> > session even when called from an existing one, do we still need
> > "systemd-su"? That should be pretty close, no? That sounds easier to
> > do...
> You cannot start a session from within an existing session. At least
> if audit-loginids are immutable, this also means the audit-sessionid
> is immutable (as the session ID is updated if, and only if, the
> logind-uid changes).
> Of course, immutable audit IDs are a somewhat controversial feature
> (and afaik don't work with containers?) but I still dislike the idea
> of starting sessions from within an existing session. It's ugly and we
> don't actually need it, do we? Currently su/sudo don't start new
> sessions and I think that is fine. Imho, their intention is to change
> the EUID, not to spawn a new session.
> So my hack here is just some example to play with, not something for
> real to replace su/sudo.

The new switch I was suggesting for pam_systemd ("force-new-session=1")
would cause a new session to be started from within an existing one, in
that case decoupling the session id from the audit id. Hence, when you
first log into a computer you will get a session with a session ID
identical to the audit id. However if you use "su -" which then does
force-new-session=1 on pam_system you will get a new session that gets
an independent id, that is decoupled from the audi session, and to avoid
namespace clashes is prefixed with a lower-case "c". We'd only do that
for "su -"/"sudo -i", not for "su", "su -". 

"su -" and "sudo -i" would hence do the "greatest possible"
disconnection from the originating session. (switch everything possible
except the tty itself)

Normal "su" and "sudo" OTOH would to the "smallest possible" disconnectn
from the originating session. (i.e. only switch uid/gid)


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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