[systemd-devel] Question regarding the NotifyAccess parameter

salil GK gksalil at gmail.com
Thu Dec 12 02:26:20 PST 2013

I think my system had a bit older minor version of systemd (
systemd-204-8.fc19.x86_64 ). In another system I have tested where I have
systemd higher version - where the issue is not there - (
systemd-204-17.fc19.x86_64 ).


On 11 December 2013 06:15, salil GK <gksalil at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks Lennart for the reply.
> The issue that I am facing is with the restart feature of systemd.
> I  have configured my unit file as Restart=on-failure
> when the service fail to send watchdog signal the expectation is - systemd
> will restart the service.
> what I observed is - systemd started one more service rather than
> restarting.
> my previous mail describe what exactly I see in the console.
> If you need any more clarification I will provide.
> Thanks and regards
> Salil
> On 11 December 2013 04:55, Lennart Poettering <lennart at poettering.net>wrote:
>> On Mon, 09.12.13 09:47, salil GK (gksalil at gmail.com) wrote:
>> > Hello
>> >
>> >    did any body get a chance to look into this. I am a kind of stuck on
>> > this. I can work around using ExecStartPre script where I can kill the
>> > previous instances. But if systemd is capable to do  it by itself, that
>> > would be the neat solution.
>> Hmm, the mail you pasted and the archives do not really give me any hint
>> what your the problem you are trying to solve is?
>> Lennart
>> --
>> Lennart Poettering, Red Hat
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