[systemd-devel] Whitepapers

Cecil Westerhof Cecil.Westerhof at Snow.nl
Fri Dec 13 08:22:02 PST 2013

After the presentation I gave I am asked to write a few white-papers. (I 
have to keep learning about systemd/journald. Not that I mind.) Attached 
a mind-map about what probably has to be done. ‘Not yet’ perhaps far in 
the future. I have to start with the subjects in the green part. At the 
moment it is not clear to me what the difference is between resource and 
process management.

What would be good things to treat pro subject? Any idea what would be 
the amount of time to write those papers for someone who never wrote a 
white-paper and is not an expert on systemd?

About the own logging. One of the questions they want to have answered 
is what does systemd with the logging that for example Apache does for 
itself? I suppose it will be simple: nothing. But to be sure I ask it.

About the same kind of tooling. The question was you can use systemd to 
scale the processor, but there are also other tools for these things. 
What will happen if both are used?

About forensic proof. The question is: is crypto signing so strong that 
the logs can be used in forensic proof?
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