[systemd-devel] First draft what to treat in the white-papers about systemd/journald

Cecil Westerhof Cecil.Westerhof at Snow.nl
Tue Dec 17 01:09:40 PST 2013

At the moment there are four white-papers I have to write:
- Remote Log Server
- Resource Management
- Security
- Process Management

Here I am going to describe what I think I should include. When 
something is missing: I gladly get notified about it.

- Remote Log Server
Journald is primarily made for local logging, but when a central log 
server is needed, there are three options.

1. Using rsyslog: this is as in the old situation.
2. NFS: only with limited servers.
3. systemd-journald-gateway.
This is de preferred option. At this moment it has no (real) security.

Journald cannot take care of the logging that is done by services 
themselves. (Apache, Tomcat, …)

- Resource Management
What does it mean?

Types: CPU, Memory, Block IO, Devices

Examples of cgroup usage


systemd-cgtop and systemd-cgls
systemctl set-property

QUESTION: what are good examples of cgroup usage?
QUESTION: what happens when other tooling is used that has the same 
functionality as systemd. For example what if a program is using Linux 
Frequency Scaling at the same time systemd is using CPU scaling?

- Security
How does log crypto signing works, can it be used with Forensic proof?

Owner can not be faked

Other things?

- Process Management
Make a H2 service

How are processes started, how is the sequence determined, how does 
error processing work

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