[systemd-devel] systemd 187/201 on kernel < 2.6.39

Davide Bettio davide.bettio at ispirata.com
Wed Dec 18 02:58:47 PST 2013


According to README minimum required kernel version for systemd 187 is 
2.6.39, can anyone point me which features from that kernel version are 
required from systemd 187?

I've been testing systemd 187 on 2.6.35 (on ARM) and it seemed to me 
rather stable, I've also checked git log which reports only "README: we 
need Linux 2.6.39" with no further details so I really cannot understand 
what's missing there. Sadly I have to stick to old kernels so I cannot 
switch to newer versions of kernel/systemd.

I've also thinking about to move from 187 to 201 while keeping same 
kernel version, does anyone knows if there are further changes between 
187 and 201 that requires more features from 2.6.39?

Sorry for all this OT questions and thank you in advance for your time.

Davide Bettio.

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