[systemd-devel] RFC: Predictable Network Interface Names

Alexander E. Patrakov patrakov at gmail.com
Tue Jan 8 02:36:17 PST 2013

2013/1/8 Lennart Poettering <lennart at poettering.net>:
> Heya,
> a few days ago Kay commited a change to git that made predictable
> network interface names the default for the upcoming systemd/udev
> 197. To explain what this is about we put together this wiki document:
> http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames
> Please have a look, it's a first version, so might grow a bit in the
> next days, but should already be quite complete. It's supposed to explain
> the Why? and the How-do-I-get-rid-of-this? among other things.

Very good! However, a wording about "userspace trying to assign the
interface name raced against the kernel assigning new names" is not
good enough, from my viewpoint. The end result is that the old
"persistent" names failed to apply during some boots. Hiding that
under "all kinds of weird effects" does not do the reader any good.

In addition, I'd like to see the design objectives factored out and
listed as buttet points, maybe in a separate section, e.g.:

 * Stable intarface names accross reboots (obviously)
 * Stable intarface names accross hw addition/removal
 * Stable intarface names accross kernel versions
 * Stateless operation
 * Compatibility with read-only root
 * Peaceful coexistence with vlans, bridges, bonds and other kinds of
virtual interfaces
 * Extensibility of the scheme (think about firewire interfaces - we
can just reserve a letter for them in the path)
 * Applicability to both x86 and non-x86 machines
 * Being a cross-distribution standard
 * Easiness to opt out of the scheme

i.e. imagine that you are writing a US patent, don't be afraid of
essentially duplicate entries.

Alexander E. Patrakov

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