[systemd-devel] Need info about the systemd dbus interface

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Mon Jul 1 05:57:55 PDT 2013

On Mon, 01.07.13 12:14, abhishek sharma (abhishek.sharma81 at gmail.com) wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am trying to use the systemd dbus methods and signals in my program. I am
> using d-feet for analysis. However I need some information about some of
> them
> 1. In the Method SetUnitControlGroup and StartUnit what does the parameter
> "mode" mean?

SetUnitControlGroup is removed in systemd git.


SetUnitControlGroup is not documented, for this reason.

The mode parameter of StartUnit() is documented here:


> 2. How to simulate the UnitRemoved signal,Is there any Command shall i use
> in systemctl? I have written the code for recieving theUnitRemoved Dbus
> signal and I want to test the same.

This is generated as soon as the unit is garbage collected, which will
happen a short while after a unit is stopped and no longer
referenced. There is no nice way to force this immediately.

> 3.In the ListUnitFiles what is the second parameter along with the service
> name? on introspection it says "static", "enabled", "disabled" etc.

It's the enablement state of the unit file. It's one of "enabled",
"enabled-runtime", "linked", "linked-rutime", "masked",
"masked-runtime", "static", "disabled.


Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.

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