[systemd-devel] Setting Up SSH Tunnels

CACook at Quantum-Sci.com CACook at Quantum-Sci.com
Sat Jul 6 08:48:08 PDT 2013

Reindl, thanks again for your help yesterday.  I have hassled for years 
with my unreliable method of setting up the SSH tunnels.

Reindl Harald:
> with the small script below i see the status of all forwarding-services
> including all ssh processes with their params and the last restart-time
> what more does someone need to manage this out-of-the-box?
> ________________________________________________
> cat /usr/local/bin/forwardings.sh
> #!/usr/bin/bash
> if [ "$1" == "" ]; then
>   ACTION="status"
> else
>   ACTION="$1"
> fi
> /usr/bin/systemctl $ACTION forward-host1.service forward-host2.service...................

I fiddled with this, trying to strip down the information to what is 
absolutely necessary, but then I realized that all I ever want to know 
is whether the port is open.

I propose a different approach, one which directly checks to see whether 
the tunneled port is actually being listened to.  This is my script:

echo -n "Squid  >>>  " && lsof -i -n -P |grep "3128 (LISTEN)"
echo -n "Cups   >>>  " && lsof -i -n -P |grep "631 (LISTEN)"
echo -n "Mysql  >>>  " && lsof -i -n -P |grep "22306 (LISTEN)"
echo -n "Myth43 >>>  " && lsof -i -n -P |grep "6543 (LISTEN)"
echo -n "Myth44 >>>  " && lsof -i -n -P |grep "6544 (LISTEN)"
echo -n "Sane   >>>  " && lsof -i -n -P |grep "6566 (LISTEN)"
echo -n "Tor9151 >>>  " && lsof -i -n -P |grep "9151 (LISTEN)"
echo -n "Tor9152 >>>  " && lsof -i -n -P |grep "9152 (LISTEN)"
echo -n "Tor9153 >>>  " && lsof -i -n -P |grep "9153 (LISTEN)"
echo -n "Tor9154 >>>  " && lsof -i -n -P |grep "9154 (LISTEN)"
echo -n "Tor9155 >>>  " && lsof -i -n -P |grep "9155 (LISTEN)"
echo -n "Tor9156 >>>  " && lsof -i -n -P |grep "9156 (LISTEN)"
echo -n "Tor9157 >>>  " && lsof -i -n -P |grep "9157 (LISTEN)"
echo -n "Tor9158 >>>  " && lsof -i -n -P |grep "9158 (LISTEN)"
echo -n "Tor9159 >>>  " && lsof -i -n -P |grep "9159 (LISTEN)"
echo -n "Tor9160 >>>  " && lsof -i -n -P |grep "9160 (LISTEN)"
echo -n "Tor9161 >>>  " && lsof -i -n -P |grep "9161 (LISTEN)"
echo -n "Tor9162 >>>  " && lsof -i -n -P |grep "9162 (LISTEN)"
echo -n "Tor9163 >>>  " && lsof -i -n -P |grep "9163 (LISTEN)"
echo -n "Tor9164 >>>  " && lsof -i -n -P |grep "9164 (LISTEN)"
echo -n "Tor9165 >>>  " && lsof -i -n -P |grep "9165 (LISTEN)"


Only problem is, if a port is not listening it glitches the display 
since I use -n.

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