[systemd-devel] [PATCH] udev hwdb: Store binary database in libdir, not in /etc

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Mon Jun 17 09:27:19 PDT 2013

On Mon, 17.06.13 06:35, Martin Pitt (martin.pitt at ubuntu.com) wrote:

> Anyway, Lennart's and your responses have demonstrated that putting
> the cache into /etc wasn't by accident but deliberate; that's fine, so
> let's keep it as it is, and we keep the patch downstream for now. As
> it is it is trivial to revert or change as it only changes statically
> shipped files in the package.

I'd really prefer if Ubuntu wouldn't do its own thing for everything
they possibly can. We try to push some of the more exotic device
metadata into the respective packages and the developers of those
packages should be able to rely on being able to drop in additional hwdb
and have things work everywhere. If Ubuntu then goes and doesn't allow
drop-ins and moves generation of these files to compile-time then you
effectively make that impossible. And that's really uncool of you.


Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.

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