[systemd-devel] Adding journal support to GNOME's Log Viewer

David Strauss david at davidstrauss.net
Tue Mar 5 17:17:36 PST 2013

Log Viewer (gnome-system-log) is a basic, graphical log file viewer
bundled with GNOME desktops and useful for anyone with GTK+.

Is there any interest in adding (optional) journal support to this
program? Are there other up-and-coming log viewers that would be
better to focus on?

The application is almost entirely C- and Autotools-based, so it
should be a breeze to link to journal libraries:

Unless we also add remote connection capability (using the journal
gateway or SSH), I'm not personally motivated to take this on. Yet,
it's a big missing piece for systemd desktop users.

It seems like we should have similar effort go into the Qt side, too.
Python bindings are also sufficiently far along that it would be
possible to build such viewers without C.

David Strauss
   | david at davidstrauss.net
   | +1 512 577 5827 [mobile]

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