[systemd-devel] [PATCH] test-hashmap.c first part

Daniel Buch boogiewasthere at gmail.com
Tue Mar 26 07:10:26 PDT 2013

This is first part of hashmap test unit - last part is in development. So review is much appreciated

Thanks in advance.

 Makefile.am             |  10 +++
 src/test/test-hashmap.c | 203 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 213 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/test/test-hashmap.c

diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
index d5eb7ad..a95dd6e 100644
--- a/Makefile.am
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -1075,6 +1075,7 @@ noinst_tests += \
 	test-unit-name \
 	test-unit-file \
 	test-util \
+	test-hashmap \
 	test-date \
 	test-sleep \
 	test-replace-var \
@@ -1182,6 +1183,15 @@ test_prioq_CFLAGS = \
 test_prioq_LDADD = \
+test_hashmap_SOURCES = \
+	src/test/test-hashmap.c
+test_hashmap_CFLAGS = \
+test_hashmap_LDADD = \
+	libsystemd-core.la
 test_log_SOURCES = \
diff --git a/src/test/test-hashmap.c b/src/test/test-hashmap.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..610607b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/test-hashmap.c
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include "util.h"
+#include "hashmap.h"
+#define FOREACH_CONST_CHAR(value, table) \
+        for (const char **(value) = (table); (value) && *(value); (value)++)
+static void test_hashmap_foreach_key(void) {
+        Hashmap *m = hashmap_new(string_hash_func, string_compare_func);
+        Iterator i;
+        const char *s;
+        const char *key_table[] = {"key 1", "key 2", "key 3", "key 4", NULL };
+        bool key_found[] = { false, false, false, false };
+        FOREACH_CONST_CHAR(value, key_table)
+                hashmap_put(m, *value, (void*) (const char*) "blah");
+        HASHMAP_FOREACH_KEY(s, key_table, m, i) {
+                if (!key_found[0] && streq(*key_table, "key 1"))
+                        key_found[0] = true;
+                else if (!key_found[1] && streq(*key_table, "key 2"))
+                        key_found[1] = true;
+                else if (!key_found[2] && streq(*key_table, "key 3"))
+                        key_found[2] = true;
+                else if (!key_found[3] && streq(*key_table, "fail"))
+                        key_found[3] = true;
+        }
+        assert_se(key_found[0] && key_found[1] && key_found[2] && !key_found[3]);
+        hashmap_free(m);
+static void test_hashmap_foreach(void) {
+        Hashmap *m = hashmap_new(string_hash_func, string_compare_func);
+        Iterator i;
+        char *s;
+        char *val1 = strdup("my val1");
+        char *val2 = strdup("my val2");
+        char *val3 = strdup("my val3");
+        char *val4 = strdup("my val4");
+        bool value_found[] = { false, false, false, false };
+        hashmap_put(m, "KeyN 1", val1);
+        hashmap_put(m, "KeyN 2", val2);
+        hashmap_put(m, "KeyN 3", val3);
+        hashmap_put(m, "KeyN 4", val4);
+        HASHMAP_FOREACH(s, m, i) {
+                if (!value_found[0] && streq(s, val1))
+                        value_found[0] = true;
+                else if (!value_found[1] && streq(s, val2))
+                        value_found[1] = true;
+                else if (!value_found[2] && streq(s, val3))
+                        value_found[2] = true;
+                else if (!value_found[3] && streq(s, val4))
+                        value_found[3] = true;
+        }
+        assert_se(value_found[0] && value_found[1] && value_found[2] && value_found[3]);
+        hashmap_free_free(m);
+static void test_hashmap_foreach_backwards(void) {
+        Hashmap *m = hashmap_new(string_hash_func, string_compare_func);
+        Iterator i;
+        char *s;
+        char *val1 = strdup("my val1");
+        char *val2 = strdup("my val2");
+        char *val3 = strdup("my val3");
+        char *val4 = strdup("my val4");
+        bool value_found[] = { false, false, false, false };
+        hashmap_put(m, "KeyN 1", val1);
+        hashmap_put(m, "KeyN 2", val2);
+        hashmap_put(m, "KeyN 3", val3);
+        hashmap_put(m, "KeyN 4", val4);
+                if (!value_found[0] && streq(s, val1))
+                        value_found[0] = true;
+                else if (!value_found[1] && streq(s, val2))
+                        value_found[1] = true;
+                else if (!value_found[2] && streq(s, val3))
+                        value_found[2] = true;
+                else if (!value_found[3] && streq(s, val4))
+                        value_found[3] = true;
+        }
+        assert_se(value_found[0] && value_found[1] && value_found[2] && value_found[3]);
+        hashmap_free_free(m);
+static void test_hashmap_merge(void) {
+        Hashmap *m = hashmap_new(string_hash_func, string_compare_func);
+        Hashmap *n = hashmap_new(string_hash_func, string_compare_func);
+        char *val1 = strdup("my val1");
+        char *val2 = strdup("my val2");
+        char *val3 = strdup("my val3");
+        char *val4 = strdup("my val4");
+        hashmap_put(m, "KeyN 1", val1);
+        hashmap_put(m, "KeyN 2", val2);
+        hashmap_put(n, "KeyN 3", val3);
+        hashmap_put(n, "KeyN 4", val4);
+        assert_se(hashmap_merge(m, n) == 0);
+        assert_se(hashmap_contains(m, "KeyN 3"));
+        assert_se(hashmap_contains(m, "KeyN 4"));
+        hashmap_free_free(m);
+static void test_hashmap_contains(void) {
+        Hashmap *m = hashmap_new(string_hash_func, string_compare_func);
+        char *val1 = strdup("my val");
+        assert_se(!hashmap_contains(m, "KeyN 1"));
+        hashmap_put(m, "KeyN 1", val1);
+        assert_se(hashmap_contains(m, "KeyN 1"));
+        hashmap_free_free(m);
+static void test_hashmap_isempty(void) {
+        Hashmap *m = hashmap_new(string_hash_func, string_compare_func);
+        char *val1 = strdup("my val");
+        assert_se(hashmap_isempty(m));
+        hashmap_put(m, "KeyN 1", val1);
+        assert_se(!hashmap_isempty(m));
+        hashmap_free_free(m);
+static void test_hashmap_size(void) {
+        Hashmap *m = hashmap_new(string_hash_func, string_compare_func);
+        char *val1 = strdup("my val");
+        char *val2 = strdup("my val");
+        char *val3 = strdup("my val");
+        char *val4 = strdup("my val");
+        hashmap_put(m, "KeyN 1", val1);
+        hashmap_put(m, "KeyN 2", val2);
+        hashmap_put(m, "KeyN 3", val3);
+        hashmap_put(m, "KeyN 4", val4);
+        assert(hashmap_size(m) == 4);
+        hashmap_free_free(m);
+static void test_hashmap_get(void) {
+        Hashmap *m;
+        char *r;
+        char *val = strdup("my val");
+        m = hashmap_new(string_hash_func, string_compare_func);
+        hashmap_put(m, "KeyN 1", val);
+        r = hashmap_get(m, "KeyN 1");
+        assert_se(streq(r, val));
+        hashmap_free_free(m);
+static void test_uint64_compare_func(void) {
+        assert_se((uint64_t)trivial_compare_func("a", "a") == (uint64_t)0);
+        assert_se((uint64_t)trivial_compare_func("a", "b") == (uint64_t)-1);
+        assert_se((uint64_t)trivial_compare_func("b", "a") == (uint64_t)1);
+static void test_trivial_compare_func(void) {
+        assert_se(trivial_compare_func("a", "a") == 0);
+        assert_se(trivial_compare_func("a", "b") == -1);
+        assert_se(trivial_compare_func("b", "a") == 1);
+static void test_string_compare_func(void) {
+        assert_se(!string_compare_func("hello", "world") == 0);
+        assert_se(string_compare_func("hello", "hello") == 0);
+int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
+        test_hashmap_foreach();
+        test_hashmap_foreach_backwards();
+        test_hashmap_foreach_key();
+        test_hashmap_merge();
+        test_hashmap_contains();
+        test_hashmap_isempty();
+        test_hashmap_get();
+        test_hashmap_size();
+        test_uint64_compare_func();
+        test_trivial_compare_func();
+        test_string_compare_func();
+        return 0;

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