[systemd-devel] DBus signal on unit start/stop

Ragnar Thomsen rthomsen6 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 30 05:18:41 PST 2013

Dear systemd developers,

I am developing a KDE-based frontend for systemd. I currently have a list of 
units retrieved via DBus through the ListUnits method. However, the list is 
static at the moment. I want it to auto-update when units get e.g. 
started/stopped. I can monitor when units get loaded/unloaded, when the daemon 
gets reloaded and when unit files have changed through the relevant DBus 
signals. Unfortunately, none of these signals get emitted when a unit gets 
started/stopped (i.e. when the ActiveState and/or SubState change).

Is there any plan to implement such signals in systemd dbus API (or a reason 
not to implement them)? Do you have any ideas on how to monitor units' 
ActiveState/SubState without such signals (short of calling the ListUnits 
method at certain time intervals and monitor for changes)?

Any help appreciated.

Ragnar Thomsen

PS: The repository is found at: https://github.com/rthomsen/kcmsystemd

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