[systemd-devel] Small tool to spawn programs in graphical sessions from non-graphical ones

Kok, Auke-jan H auke-jan.h.kok at intel.com
Tue Oct 1 14:59:49 PDT 2013

On Sat, Aug 31, 2013 at 2:09 AM, Manuel Amador (Rudd-O)
<rudd-o at rudd-o.com> wrote:
> Based on systemd's related sibling loginctl, I managed to accomplish the
> holy grail of the 90's: get Amarok to play music on my desktop sessiom from
> a crontab (motivated by the missus' desire to have an alarm in the home
> theater that requires her to walk downstairs, to adapt to her polyphasic
> sleep):
> https://github.com/Rudd-O/run-in-gui
> Pull requests to, well, there.  Flames to my personal email.  I'm sure it's
> buggy as fuck since it's been working only for the last half an hour or so,
> but we pulled it off together in the space of 2 hours.

Not criticizing your approach here, but, I think one could implement
systemd --user sessions and timer units to dbus-send "play" messages
to amarok. Together with creating a service for amarok that would keep
it running, one could do this in 2-3 units.

Glad we have achieved your 90's holy grail though :^)


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