[systemd-devel] Pairing udev's SYSTEMD_WANTS and systemd's templated units

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Thu Aug 14 04:00:50 PDT 2014

On Thu, 14.08.14 10:02, Ivan Shapovalov (intelfx100 at gmail.com) wrote:

> The only thing: PROGRAM="...", ENV{SYSTEMD_WANTS}+="...%c..." idiom seems a
> pretty ugly way to invoke systemd-escape. This looks like a pretty common
> thing to do; shouldn't there be a shorthand or something? (just a suggestion)

Yeah, I agree, but I not entirely sure how this could look like in a
nice way?

Maybe add:


or so, would escape "bar" and add it into foo at .service... But that's not
particularly generic but focusses only on the instance/template case...



Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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