[systemd-devel] PrivateNetwork for user sessions?

Yarny Yarny at public-files.de
Mon Aug 25 02:58:37 PDT 2014


I recently discovered the PrivateNetwork
option in systemd.exec(5), and I was wondering:

Is it also possible to restrict user sessions with this option?

I'd like to prevent a certain user's group from
accessing the network configuration of my machine
(they should even be forbidden to see the IP address).

To this end, I tried editing files like
/etc/systemd/system/user at 1234.service,
but it didn't have any effect (openSUSE 13.1 with systemd 208).


Sorry for posting in the developer's mailing list,
but I haven't found a user's list.
I there is one, please point me there
or feel free to forward this message.

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