[systemd-devel] [PATCH] systemd: Fix wrong timestamps in rtc-in-local time mode.

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Mon Dec 1 15:31:44 PST 2014

On Wed, 19.11.14 18:20, Chunhui He (hchunhui at mail.ustc.edu.cn) wrote:

> systemd generates some timestamps before the very first call of settimeofday().
> When we are in rtc-in-local time mode, these timestamps are wrong.
> Affected timestamps are:
> Kernel, InitRD, Userspace, SecurityStart, SecurityFinish

I am not really convinced that we really should try to make this
work. rtc-in-local-time has so many issues, it really doesn't stop
here. If people make use of this, then this is what they get really,
and I am not sure we really should work around it. I mean, systemd
really isn't the only component which might query the clock this
early, in the initrd there might be a ton of other components too, and
it's not realistic to add similar kludges to them all.

In general: rtc-in-local-time is a compatibility hack, and we only
want to support it to the minimal level necessary for compatibility,
but not more. The proper fix for this problem I guess is to use
rtc-in-utc instead!

Sorry if that's disappointing,


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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