[systemd-devel] journald syslog forwarding

Holger Winkelmann [TP] hw at travelping.com
Thu Dec 11 06:54:18 PST 2014


>> Are there any plans to follow? I.e, having all protocols in a generic gateway,
>> or having one gateways per protocol? How the should we define which field
>> form the journal should be forwarded to syslog?
> IIUC, Lennart wanted to add this funcitonality to systemd-journal-upload or
> a new tool. I think it might be nicer to add it directly to systemd-journald,
> even though it would then use the network. The details are fuzzy atm.

upload sounds a bit of a batch process, but thats just cosmetic wording.

Having this in systems-journald and extend the forward to syslog config with the target
host was our expectation anyway. 
> Initial plan was to implement the most straighforward syslog forwarding,
> so only the MESSAGE field would be sent.
it would be great to have at least the following format to send to syslog:

"<%pri%>%protocol-version% %timestamp:::date-rfc3339% %HOSTNAME% %app-name% %procid% %msg%\n"

described as rsyslog configuration. All the meta infos are there IMHO.

> I think that additional forwarders (e.g. GELF) should stay as separate projects.

I think so as well.

> Zbyszek

Holger Winkelmann

email: holger.winkelmann at travelping.com

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