[systemd-devel] [PATCH] Add FDB support

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Thu Dec 11 08:16:24 PST 2014

On Thu, 11.12.14 08:07, Alin Rauta (alin.rauta at intel.com) wrote:

> Hi,
> I've added support for handling the forwarding database table for a port.
> FDB entries can be configured statically through the ".network" files.
> To resume,
> - I've added a new boolean for the main network structure, named "FDBControlled" which is read from the .network file and defaults to false.
> - I've added a new section "FDBEntry" accepting 2 key-value pairs:
>      -MACAddress (mandatory)
>      -VLAN (optional)
> When FDBControlled is set to "yes" in the network section, networkd:
> - gets the FDB entries for current port;
> - clears them
> - configures those specified in the [FDBEntry] section.
> Configuration example:
> [Network]
> DHCP=v4
> FDBControlled=yes
> [FDBEntry]
> MACAddress=44:44:12:34:56:71
> VLAN=9
> [FDBEntry]
> MACAddress=44:44:12:34:56:72
> VLAN=10

Hmm, quick thoughts regarding the naming: can we find a better name
than [FDBEntry] for this? At least I cannot really make much sense of

Could you improve the man page a bit, explaining what "fdb" actually

Currently VLANs are configured in a [VLAN] section, with an Id=
setting to configure the id. Maybe following this naming the setting
you introduce above should be called VLANId?

What happens if FDBControlled is no, but still FDBEntrys specified?


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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