[systemd-devel] [PATCH WIP] shell-completion: Change zsh boot id completion

William Giokas 1007380 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 21 05:48:05 PST 2014

Previously we put the boot offset and boot ID into the completion, now
we use something similar to the coredumpctl completion, but only with
the boot offsets.

This is just something I'm working on, but would like some input. I'm fine
with it not having the boot ID's output, but that may be unacceptable.

 shell-completion/zsh/_journalctl | 9 +++------
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/shell-completion/zsh/_journalctl b/shell-completion/zsh/_journalctl
index 0d16a26..4467249 100644
--- a/shell-completion/zsh/_journalctl
+++ b/shell-completion/zsh/_journalctl
@@ -40,12 +40,9 @@ _journal_fields() {
 _journal_boots() {
-  local -a _bootid _previousboots
-  _bootid=( ${(fao)"$(_call_program bootid "$service -F _BOOT_ID")"}  )
-  _previousboots=( -{1..${#_bootid}} )
-  _alternative : \
-    "offsets:boot offsets:(${_previousboots[1,-2]})" \
-    "bootid:boot ids:(${_bootid[@]})"
+  local -a _bootoff
+  _bootoff=( "${(foa)$(journalctl --list-boots | awk 'BEGIN{OFS=":"} {print $1,$0}' 2>/dev/null)}" )
+  _describe -t pids 'boot offsets' _bootoff
 _arguments -s \

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