[systemd-devel] [PATCH] systemd-detect-s390-virt: add virtualization detection on s390x

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Mon Jul 7 04:58:47 PDT 2014

On Mon, 07.07.14 12:57, Thomas Blume (Thomas.Blume at suse.com) wrote:

> On Mon, 7 Jul 2014, Lennart Poettering wrote:
> >>Actually it is like there is no dom0 on s390(x).
> >>Direct hardware access is done on a level where the operating system doesn't
> >>have any influence.
> >>For example, unlike Xen dom0, the disks are never physical devices, they are
> >>only shares of a storage pool.
> >>Same is true for e.g. the CPUs or the main memory. It is all virtualized.
> >>Some functions, like e.g. SMART for the disks, just doesn't make sense here.
> >>Even if PR/SM is closer to the hardware than z/VM or KVM, the
> >>e behaviour is the same. There is no useful SMART information.
> >
> >If everything is virtualized on s390, what's the difference between the
> >two virtualizations you wanted to distuingish then?
> For the test, e.g. ConditionVirtualization, there would be no difference.
> I only distinguished this in order to have systemd-detect-virt showing the
> correct virtualization technology.
> Sure we could cover everything under something like, e.g. "s390 virtualization".
> But I thought it is smarter to give this little additional information.
> Maybe there are some cases where someone needs to know in more detail which
> virtualization is running.

Again, what precisely is the difference between the two virtualizations you
wanted to distinguish? 


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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