[systemd-devel] Logind error - Failed to abandon session scope: Connection reset

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Wed Jul 16 08:14:41 PDT 2014

On Wed, 16.07.14 14:53, Roger Qiu (roger.qiu at polycademy.com) wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> I always receive this error:
> ```
> |Jul 14 08:27:57 matrix-node systemd-logind[1339]: Failed to abandon session scope: Connection reset by peer|
> ```
> When I shutdown a NixOS instance.
> Googling around didn't bring up any useful results. What does this
> error mean, and why does it happen. Here's the journald excerpt
> surrounding the error (reversed - top is most recent):

You are shutting down the machine, at which point logind and dbus are
both terminated. In your case dbus got terminated first, logind second,
which is why logind got tripped up.

It should be mostly a cosmetic issue, but I do wonder why this never
happened for me...


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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