[systemd-devel] crypttab automount

Ralf Jung post at ralfj.de
Thu Jul 24 07:05:31 PDT 2014


>> Essentially, I want a proper mount with the usual RequiredBy and
>> WantedBy - but without the Before that makes others wait on this disk.
>> So, the concurrency part of automount is exactly what I want, but
>> without the on-demand part. Is that possible?
> You're looking for "nofail" without the noauto (I think) (again in man
> crypttab).

I did that for both crypttab and fstab, and
now the behaviour is exactly what I want. Great. Thanks a lot :)

It seems my local manpage is outdated, I had to go to
<http://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/crypttab.html> to learn
about this option (and the nofail description in fstab doesn't say
anything about concurrency - naturally, it probably predates systemd ;-)

Kind regards

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