[systemd-devel] [PATCH] Add a network-pre.target to avoid firewall leaks

Leonid Isaev lisaev at umail.iu.edu
Sun Jun 8 11:44:53 PDT 2014


On Sun, Jun 08, 2014 at 12:33:44PM +0000, Rusty Bird wrote:
> Date: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 12:33:44 +0000
> From: Rusty Bird <rustybird at openmailbox.org>
> To: systemd-devel at lists.freedesktop.org
> Subject: Re: [systemd-devel] [PATCH] Add a network-pre.target to avoid
>  firewall leaks
> Leonid Isaev:
> > But by the time network.target is reached there are no listening services yet,
> > are there? So, why would one need a firewall?
> Adding to Djalal's and Mantas's examples, the systemd host may also be
> a gateway with its firewall configured to forward only *some* packets.
> Rusty

Thanks for an explanation, but this is exactly what I don't understand. But
please note, that I agree with you that firewall must be enabled as early as
possible during boot...

If systemd itself is a server (you mean journald really, yes?), how can I
protect the machine with yet another target? Why there is no way to tell
systemd directly to start listening only after network.target is up?

On a related note, what do you do about things like sshd.socket (or crap like
cups.socket) which are not ordered against anything network-related?

Leonid Isaev
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