[systemd-devel] [systemd-netword]

Tom Gundersen teg at jklm.no
Mon Jun 9 02:43:31 PDT 2014

On 7 Jun 2014 21:57, "Unknown" <contact+systemd+ml at volcanis.me> wrote:
> Hello. It is said in the man systemd-netword-wait-online.service:
> >systemd-networkd-wait-online is a one-shot system service that waits
> >for the network to be configured. By default, it will wait for all
> >links it is aware of and which are managed by
> >systemd-networkd.service(8) to be fully configured or failed, and for
> >at least one link to gain a carrier.
> What exactly mean "configured or failed", in this context ?
> If i have two interface managed by systemd-networkd, one which is up
> and fully configured and one another that is not (like, an ethernet
> interface with no cable plugged in), does that mean this other one is
> "failed" ? In which state is he ?

It would be in the 'configuring' state. I.e. it is waiting for the cable to
be plugged, so it is not yet ready.

> I think (maybe wrongly) this should be precised somewhere, because I
> searched for "fail" in the associated man pages, and found nothing.

Indeed, this should be documented.


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