[systemd-devel] [systemd][cgroup in container] problem with cgroup hierarchy in container

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Thu Mar 6 10:54:05 PST 2014

On Thu, 06.03.14 16:55, Dariusz Michaluk (d.michaluk at samsung.com) wrote:

> On 05.03.2014 19:16, Lennart Poettering wrote:
> >nspawn and libvirt-lxc mostly follow the same code paths and register
> >via machined... So it's weird that different things happen. Somehow the
> >systemd instance inside the container must be confused about the cgroup
> >it is running in...
> Next few cents. I noticed that when I run lxc-libvirt container I
> get warning "Failed to install release agent, ignoring: No such file
> or directory", which does not occur when I use nspawn.


Hmm, thta suggests that libvirt-lxc might not mount the naked cgroupfs
tree to /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd, but only a subdirectory. This of course
might cause the weird setup that the host tree is "duplicated" for the

Unfortunately it is not possible to only mount a subtree of the cgroup
hierarchy into the container, since then the data from /proc/self/cgroup
won't match /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd anymore... Also, the root of the
cgroup trees has slightly different semantics and more properties than
the children.

Is this the default setup of libvirt-lxc for those dirs? I figure we
should talk to Daniel to get that changed...

Each container really needs to see the full tree. The best thing
possible to make sure that the containers can't muck with anything
outside of the tree is to mount the upper parts read-only with a bind
mount, but other than that i don't see that we could do anything


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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