[systemd-devel] Posible sd-resolve regression after callback rework

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Mon May 12 09:26:06 PDT 2014

On Sat, 10.05.14 15:13, Daniel Buch (boogiewasthere at gmail.com) wrote:

> Hi,
> I just noticed valgrind -tool=helgrind ./test-resolve complains, there seem
> to be some kind of possible race..
> I'm not gdb or valgrind expert, so i just want to bring a heads-up.
> Here's what i got with --tool=helgrind:

Hmm, can't see any issue here that would make sense to me. This is
mostly inside of NSS, and I fear we have to assume that glibc NSS is
resonably reentrant to be not be a source of problems...


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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