[systemd-devel] error: undefined reference to `sd_event_source_unref' while the function exists in source

Colin Guthrie gmane at colin.guthr.ie
Wed May 14 05:55:04 PDT 2014


'Twas brillig, and Hurry Zeng at 14/05/14 12:56 did gyre and gimble:
>> Firstly, please try to keep your mails on a given topic in the same
>> thread! Make it easier for us all to consume mails on the list!
> Sorry for your time.
> My last topic is about error on compiling (make and make install) systemd,
> and as i said in the last reply, systemd compiling works well now.
> So i thought that "compiling failed" topic is in a "closed" status.
> That's why i sent mail on another topic (for error on compiling source
> code which depends on libsystemd) .

No worries! Glad you got it all working :)


PS as a further small nitpick, ideally you'd use plain text mails (this,
like most mailing lists, prefer plain text if possible! Having
individual style is fine for some purposes but when you read hundreds of
mailing-list mails a day, having them all formatted in the same way
makes it much easier to consume :)).


Colin Guthrie

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  Tribalogic Limited http://www.tribalogic.net/
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