[systemd-devel] [PATCH 1/1] networkd: sit-tunnel add support for pmtudisc

Susant Sahani ssahani at redhat.com
Tue May 20 10:37:59 PDT 2014

Hi Lennart ,
   Thanks for reviewing . 

>  static int netdev_fill_sit_rtnl_message(Link *link, sd_rtnl_message *m) {
>          NetDev *netdev;
> +        uint8_t pmtudisc;
Hmm, you never initialized the variable if mtu disc is off, no?

oops ! yes This should be  
uint8_t pmtudisc = 1 .

with aligned to kernel code , if this is missing by default it's turned on .
We only use this variable to turn off.


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