[systemd-devel] [PATCH v3 2/2] Remove sysv parser from service.c

Thomas H.P. Andersen phomes at gmail.com
Fri May 30 06:28:42 PDT 2014

From: Thomas Hindoe Paaboel Andersen <phomes at gmail.com>

Parsing sysv files was moved to the sysv-generator in the previous commit.
This patch removes the sysv parsing from serivce.c.

To avoid introducing an extra compat option in .service fies for identifying
sysv services we instead add a check if the SourcePath is a path to sysvinit.

Note that this patch drops the following now unused sysv-specific info
from service dump:
"SysV Init Script has LSB Header: (yes/no)"
"SysVEnabled: (yes/no)"
"SysVRunLevels: (levels)"
 src/core/service.c | 984 +----------------------------------------------------
 src/core/service.h |   5 -
 2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 979 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/core/service.c b/src/core/service.c
index 70e7635..836ca43 100644
--- a/src/core/service.c
+++ b/src/core/service.c
@@ -49,41 +49,6 @@
 #include "bus-error.h"
 #include "bus-util.h"
-typedef enum RunlevelType {
-        RUNLEVEL_UP,
-} RunlevelType;
-static const struct {
-        const char *path;
-        const char *target;
-        const RunlevelType type;
-} rcnd_table[] = {
-        /* Standard SysV runlevels for start-up */
-        { "rc1.d",  SPECIAL_RESCUE_TARGET,    RUNLEVEL_UP },
-        /* Standard SysV runlevels for shutdown */
-        { "rc6.d",  SPECIAL_REBOOT_TARGET,    RUNLEVEL_DOWN }
-        /* Note that the order here matters, as we read the
-           directories in this order, and we want to make sure that
-           sysv_start_priority is known when we first load the
-           unit. And that value we only know from S links. Hence
-           UP must be read before DOWN */
-#define RUNLEVELS_UP "12345"
 static const UnitActiveState state_translation_table[_SERVICE_STATE_MAX] = {
@@ -138,11 +103,6 @@ static void service_init(Unit *u) {
         s->timeout_stop_usec = u->manager->default_timeout_stop_usec;
         s->restart_usec = u->manager->default_restart_usec;
         s->type = _SERVICE_TYPE_INVALID;
-        s->sysv_start_priority = -1;
-        s->sysv_start_priority_from_rcnd = -1;
         s->socket_fd = -1;
         s->guess_main_pid = true;
@@ -295,11 +255,6 @@ static void service_done(Unit *u) {
         s->pid_file = NULL;
-        free(s->sysv_runlevels);
-        s->sysv_runlevels = NULL;
         s->status_text = NULL;
@@ -364,734 +319,6 @@ static int service_arm_timer(Service *s, usec_t usec) {
                         service_dispatch_timer, s);
-static char *sysv_translate_name(const char *name) {
-        char *r;
-        r = new(char, strlen(name) + strlen(".service") + 1);
-        if (!r)
-                return NULL;
-        if (endswith(name, ".sh"))
-                /* Drop .sh suffix */
-                strcpy(stpcpy(r, name) - 3, ".service");
-        else
-                /* Normal init script name */
-                strcpy(stpcpy(r, name), ".service");
-        return r;
-static int sysv_translate_facility(const char *name, const char *filename, char **_r) {
-        /* We silently ignore the $ prefix here. According to the LSB
-         * spec it simply indicates whether something is a
-         * standardized name or a distribution-specific one. Since we
-         * just follow what already exists and do not introduce new
-         * uses or names we don't care who introduced a new name. */
-        static const char * const table[] = {
-                /* LSB defined facilities */
-                "local_fs",             NULL,
-                "network",              SPECIAL_NETWORK_ONLINE_TARGET,
-                "named",                SPECIAL_NSS_LOOKUP_TARGET,
-                "portmap",              SPECIAL_RPCBIND_TARGET,
-                "remote_fs",            SPECIAL_REMOTE_FS_TARGET,
-                "syslog",               NULL,
-                "time",                 SPECIAL_TIME_SYNC_TARGET,
-        };
-        unsigned i;
-        char *r;
-        const char *n;
-        assert(name);
-        assert(_r);
-        n = *name == '$' ? name + 1 : name;
-        for (i = 0; i < ELEMENTSOF(table); i += 2) {
-                if (!streq(table[i], n))
-                        continue;
-                if (!table[i+1])
-                        return 0;
-                r = strdup(table[i+1]);
-                if (!r)
-                        return log_oom();
-                goto finish;
-        }
-        /* If we don't know this name, fallback heuristics to figure
-         * out whether something is a target or a service alias. */
-        if (*name == '$') {
-                if (!unit_prefix_is_valid(n))
-                        return -EINVAL;
-                /* Facilities starting with $ are most likely targets */
-                r = unit_name_build(n, NULL, ".target");
-        } else if (filename && streq(name, filename))
-                /* Names equaling the file name of the services are redundant */
-                return 0;
-        else
-                /* Everything else we assume to be normal service names */
-                r = sysv_translate_name(n);
-        if (!r)
-                return -ENOMEM;
-        *_r = r;
-        return 1;
-static int sysv_fix_order(Service *s) {
-        Unit *other;
-        int r;
-        assert(s);
-        if (s->sysv_start_priority < 0)
-                return 0;
-        /* For each pair of services where at least one lacks a LSB
-         * header, we use the start priority value to order things. */
-        LIST_FOREACH(units_by_type, other, UNIT(s)->manager->units_by_type[UNIT_SERVICE]) {
-                Service *t;
-                UnitDependency d;
-                bool special_s, special_t;
-                t = SERVICE(other);
-                if (s == t)
-                        continue;
-                if (UNIT(t)->load_state != UNIT_LOADED)
-                        continue;
-                if (t->sysv_start_priority < 0)
-                        continue;
-                /* If both units have modern headers we don't care
-                 * about the priorities */
-                if ((UNIT(s)->fragment_path || s->sysv_has_lsb) &&
-                    (UNIT(t)->fragment_path || t->sysv_has_lsb))
-                        continue;
-                special_s = s->sysv_runlevels && !chars_intersect(RUNLEVELS_UP, s->sysv_runlevels);
-                special_t = t->sysv_runlevels && !chars_intersect(RUNLEVELS_UP, t->sysv_runlevels);
-                if (special_t && !special_s)
-                        d = UNIT_AFTER;
-                else if (special_s && !special_t)
-                        d = UNIT_BEFORE;
-                else if (t->sysv_start_priority < s->sysv_start_priority)
-                        d = UNIT_AFTER;
-                else if (t->sysv_start_priority > s->sysv_start_priority)
-                        d = UNIT_BEFORE;
-                else
-                        continue;
-                /* FIXME: Maybe we should compare the name here lexicographically? */
-                if ((r = unit_add_dependency(UNIT(s), d, UNIT(t), true)) < 0)
-                        return r;
-        }
-        return 0;
-static ExecCommand *exec_command_new(const char *path, const char *arg1) {
-        ExecCommand *c;
-        if (!(c = new0(ExecCommand, 1)))
-                return NULL;
-        if (!(c->path = strdup(path))) {
-                free(c);
-                return NULL;
-        }
-        if (!(c->argv = strv_new(path, arg1, NULL))) {
-                free(c->path);
-                free(c);
-                return NULL;
-        }
-        return c;
-static int sysv_exec_commands(Service *s, const bool supports_reload) {
-        ExecCommand *c;
-        assert(s);
-        assert(s->is_sysv);
-        assert(UNIT(s)->source_path);
-        c = exec_command_new(UNIT(s)->source_path, "start");
-        if (!c)
-                return -ENOMEM;
-        exec_command_append_list(s->exec_command+SERVICE_EXEC_START, c);
-        c = exec_command_new(UNIT(s)->source_path, "stop");
-        if (!c)
-                return -ENOMEM;
-        exec_command_append_list(s->exec_command+SERVICE_EXEC_STOP, c);
-        if (supports_reload) {
-                c = exec_command_new(UNIT(s)->source_path, "reload");
-                if (!c)
-                        return -ENOMEM;
-                exec_command_append_list(s->exec_command+SERVICE_EXEC_RELOAD, c);
-        }
-        return 0;
-static bool usage_contains_reload(const char *line) {
-        return (strcasestr(line, "{reload|") ||
-                strcasestr(line, "{reload}") ||
-                strcasestr(line, "{reload\"") ||
-                strcasestr(line, "|reload|") ||
-                strcasestr(line, "|reload}") ||
-                strcasestr(line, "|reload\""));
-static int service_load_sysv_path(Service *s, const char *path) {
-        FILE *f;
-        Unit *u;
-        unsigned line = 0;
-        int r;
-        enum {
-                NORMAL,
-                DESCRIPTION,
-                LSB,
-                LSB_DESCRIPTION,
-                USAGE_CONTINUATION
-        } state = NORMAL;
-        char *short_description = NULL, *long_description = NULL, *chkconfig_description = NULL, *description;
-        struct stat st;
-        bool supports_reload = false;
-        assert(s);
-        assert(path);
-        u = UNIT(s);
-        f = fopen(path, "re");
-        if (!f) {
-                r = errno == ENOENT ? 0 : -errno;
-                goto finish;
-        }
-        if (fstat(fileno(f), &st) < 0) {
-                r = -errno;
-                goto finish;
-        }
-        free(u->source_path);
-        u->source_path = strdup(path);
-        if (!u->source_path) {
-                r = -ENOMEM;
-                goto finish;
-        }
-        u->source_mtime = timespec_load(&st.st_mtim);
-        if (null_or_empty(&st)) {
-                u->load_state = UNIT_MASKED;
-                r = 0;
-                goto finish;
-        }
-        s->is_sysv = true;
-        while (!feof(f)) {
-                char l[LINE_MAX], *t;
-                if (!fgets(l, sizeof(l), f)) {
-                        if (feof(f))
-                                break;
-                        r = -errno;
-                        log_error_unit(u->id,
-                                       "Failed to read configuration file '%s': %s",
-                                       path, strerror(-r));
-                        goto finish;
-                }
-                line++;
-                t = strstrip(l);
-                if (*t != '#') {
-                        /* Try to figure out whether this init script supports
-                         * the reload operation. This heuristic looks for
-                         * "Usage" lines which include the reload option. */
-                        if ( state == USAGE_CONTINUATION ||
-                            (state == NORMAL && strcasestr(t, "usage"))) {
-                                if (usage_contains_reload(t)) {
-                                        supports_reload = true;
-                                        state = NORMAL;
-                                } else if (t[strlen(t)-1] == '\\')
-                                        state = USAGE_CONTINUATION;
-                                else
-                                        state = NORMAL;
-                        }
-                        continue;
-                }
-                if (state == NORMAL && streq(t, "### BEGIN INIT INFO")) {
-                        state = LSB;
-                        s->sysv_has_lsb = true;
-                        continue;
-                }
-                if ((state == LSB_DESCRIPTION || state == LSB) && streq(t, "### END INIT INFO")) {
-                        state = NORMAL;
-                        continue;
-                }
-                t++;
-                t += strspn(t, WHITESPACE);
-                if (state == NORMAL) {
-                        /* Try to parse Red Hat style chkconfig headers */
-                        if (startswith_no_case(t, "chkconfig:")) {
-                                int start_priority;
-                                char runlevels[16], *k;
-                                state = NORMAL;
-                                if (sscanf(t+10, "%15s %i %*i", runlevels, &start_priority) != 2) {
-                                        log_warning_unit(u->id, "[%s:%u] Failed to parse chkconfig line. Ignoring.", path, line);
-                                        continue;
-                                }
-                                /* A start priority gathered from the
-                                 * symlink farms is preferred over the
-                                 * data from the LSB header. */
-                                if (start_priority < 0 || start_priority > 99)
-                                        log_warning_unit(u->id, "[%s:%u] Start priority out of range. Ignoring.", path, line);
-                                else
-                                        log_debug_unit(u->id, "[%s:%u] Ignoring start priority set in the chkconfig file.", path, line);
-                                char_array_0(runlevels);
-                                k = delete_chars(runlevels, WHITESPACE "-");
-                                if (k[0]) {
-                                        char *d;
-                                        d = strdup(k);
-                                        if (!d) {
-                                                r = -ENOMEM;
-                                                goto finish;
-                                        }
-                                        free(s->sysv_runlevels);
-                                        s->sysv_runlevels = d;
-                                }
-                        } else if (startswith_no_case(t, "description:")) {
-                                size_t k = strlen(t);
-                                char *d;
-                                const char *j;
-                                if (t[k-1] == '\\') {
-                                        state = DESCRIPTION;
-                                        t[k-1] = 0;
-                                }
-                                if ((j = strstrip(t+12)) && *j) {
-                                        if (!(d = strdup(j))) {
-                                                r = -ENOMEM;
-                                                goto finish;
-                                        }
-                                } else
-                                        d = NULL;
-                                free(chkconfig_description);
-                                chkconfig_description = d;
-                        } else if (startswith_no_case(t, "pidfile:")) {
-                                char *fn;
-                                state = NORMAL;
-                                fn = strstrip(t+8);
-                                if (!path_is_absolute(fn)) {
-                                        log_warning_unit(u->id,
-                                                         "[%s:%u] PID file not absolute. Ignoring.",
-                                                         path, line);
-                                        continue;
-                                }
-                                if (!(fn = strdup(fn))) {
-                                        r = -ENOMEM;
-                                        goto finish;
-                                }
-                                free(s->pid_file);
-                                s->pid_file = fn;
-                        }
-                } else if (state == DESCRIPTION) {
-                        /* Try to parse Red Hat style description
-                         * continuation */
-                        size_t k = strlen(t);
-                        char *j;
-                        if (t[k-1] == '\\')
-                                t[k-1] = 0;
-                        else
-                                state = NORMAL;
-                        if ((j = strstrip(t)) && *j) {
-                                char *d = NULL;
-                                if (chkconfig_description)
-                                        d = strjoin(chkconfig_description, " ", j, NULL);
-                                else
-                                        d = strdup(j);
-                                if (!d) {
-                                        r = -ENOMEM;
-                                        goto finish;
-                                }
-                                free(chkconfig_description);
-                                chkconfig_description = d;
-                        }
-                } else if (state == LSB || state == LSB_DESCRIPTION) {
-                        if (startswith_no_case(t, "Provides:")) {
-                                char *i, *w;
-                                size_t z;
-                                state = LSB;
-                                FOREACH_WORD_QUOTED(w, z, t+9, i) {
-                                        char *n, *m;
-                                        if (!(n = strndup(w, z))) {
-                                                r = -ENOMEM;
-                                                goto finish;
-                                        }
-                                        r = sysv_translate_facility(n, basename(path), &m);
-                                        free(n);
-                                        if (r < 0)
-                                                goto finish;
-                                        if (r == 0)
-                                                continue;
-                                        if (unit_name_to_type(m) == UNIT_SERVICE)
-                                                r = unit_merge_by_name(u, m);
-                                        else
-                                                /* NB: SysV targets
-                                                 * which are provided
-                                                 * by a service are
-                                                 * pulled in by the
-                                                 * services, as an
-                                                 * indication that the
-                                                 * generic service is
-                                                 * now available. This
-                                                 * is strictly
-                                                 * one-way. The
-                                                 * targets do NOT pull
-                                                 * in the SysV
-                                                 * services! */
-                                                r = unit_add_two_dependencies_by_name(u, UNIT_BEFORE, UNIT_WANTS, m, NULL, true);
-                                        if (r < 0)
-                                                log_error_unit(u->id,
-                                                               "[%s:%u] Failed to add LSB Provides name %s, ignoring: %s",
-                                                               path, line, m, strerror(-r));
-                                        free(m);
-                                }
-                        } else if (startswith_no_case(t, "Required-Start:") ||
-                                   startswith_no_case(t, "Should-Start:") ||
-                                   startswith_no_case(t, "X-Start-Before:") ||
-                                   startswith_no_case(t, "X-Start-After:")) {
-                                char *i, *w;
-                                size_t z;
-                                state = LSB;
-                                FOREACH_WORD_QUOTED(w, z, strchr(t, ':')+1, i) {
-                                        char *n, *m;
-                                        bool is_before;
-                                        if (!(n = strndup(w, z))) {
-                                                r = -ENOMEM;
-                                                goto finish;
-                                        }
-                                        r = sysv_translate_facility(n, basename(path), &m);
-                                        if (r < 0) {
-                                                log_error_unit(u->id,
-                                                               "[%s:%u] Failed to translate LSB dependency %s, ignoring: %s",
-                                                               path, line, n, strerror(-r));
-                                                free(n);
-                                                continue;
-                                        }
-                                        free(n);
-                                        if (r == 0)
-                                                continue;
-                                        is_before = startswith_no_case(t, "X-Start-Before:");
-                                        if (streq(m, SPECIAL_NETWORK_ONLINE_TARGET) && !is_before)
-                                                /* the network-online target is special, as it needs to be actively pulled in */
-                                                r = unit_add_two_dependencies_by_name(u, UNIT_AFTER, UNIT_WANTS, m, NULL, true);
-                                        else
-                                                r = unit_add_dependency_by_name(u, is_before ? UNIT_BEFORE : UNIT_AFTER, m, NULL, true);
-                                        if (r < 0)
-                                                log_error_unit(u->id, "[%s:%u] Failed to add dependency on %s, ignoring: %s",
-                                                               path, line, m, strerror(-r));
-                                        free(m);
-                                }
-                        } else if (startswith_no_case(t, "Default-Start:")) {
-                                char *k, *d;
-                                state = LSB;
-                                k = delete_chars(t+14, WHITESPACE "-");
-                                if (k[0] != 0) {
-                                        if (!(d = strdup(k))) {
-                                                r = -ENOMEM;
-                                                goto finish;
-                                        }
-                                        free(s->sysv_runlevels);
-                                        s->sysv_runlevels = d;
-                                }
-                        } else if (startswith_no_case(t, "Description:")) {
-                                char *d, *j;
-                                state = LSB_DESCRIPTION;
-                                if ((j = strstrip(t+12)) && *j) {
-                                        if (!(d = strdup(j))) {
-                                                r = -ENOMEM;
-                                                goto finish;
-                                        }
-                                } else
-                                        d = NULL;
-                                free(long_description);
-                                long_description = d;
-                        } else if (startswith_no_case(t, "Short-Description:")) {
-                                char *d, *j;
-                                state = LSB;
-                                if ((j = strstrip(t+18)) && *j) {
-                                        if (!(d = strdup(j))) {
-                                                r = -ENOMEM;
-                                                goto finish;
-                                        }
-                                } else
-                                        d = NULL;
-                                free(short_description);
-                                short_description = d;
-                        } else if (state == LSB_DESCRIPTION) {
-                                if (startswith(l, "#\t") || startswith(l, "#  ")) {
-                                        char *j;
-                                        if ((j = strstrip(t)) && *j) {
-                                                char *d = NULL;
-                                                if (long_description)
-                                                        d = strjoin(long_description, " ", t, NULL);
-                                                else
-                                                        d = strdup(j);
-                                                if (!d) {
-                                                        r = -ENOMEM;
-                                                        goto finish;
-                                                }
-                                                free(long_description);
-                                                long_description = d;
-                                        }
-                                } else
-                                        state = LSB;
-                        }
-                }
-        }
-        if ((r = sysv_exec_commands(s, supports_reload)) < 0)
-                goto finish;
-        if (s->sysv_runlevels && !chars_intersect(RUNLEVELS_UP, s->sysv_runlevels)) {
-                /* If there a runlevels configured for this service
-                 * but none of the standard ones, then we assume this
-                 * is some special kind of service (which might be
-                 * needed for early boot) and don't create any links
-                 * to it. */
-                UNIT(s)->default_dependencies = false;
-                /* Don't timeout special services during boot (like fsck) */
-                s->timeout_start_usec = 0;
-                s->timeout_stop_usec = 0;
-        } else {
-                s->timeout_start_usec = DEFAULT_SYSV_TIMEOUT_USEC;
-                s->timeout_stop_usec = DEFAULT_SYSV_TIMEOUT_USEC;
-        }
-        /* Special setting for all SysV services */
-        s->type = SERVICE_FORKING;
-        s->remain_after_exit = !s->pid_file;
-        s->guess_main_pid = false;
-        s->restart = SERVICE_RESTART_NO;
-        s->exec_context.ignore_sigpipe = false;
-        s->kill_context.kill_mode = KILL_PROCESS;
-        /* We use the long description only if
-         * no short description is set. */
-        if (short_description)
-                description = short_description;
-        else if (chkconfig_description)
-                description = chkconfig_description;
-        else if (long_description)
-                description = long_description;
-        else
-                description = NULL;
-        if (description) {
-                char *d;
-                if (!(d = strappend(s->sysv_has_lsb ? "LSB: " : "SYSV: ", description))) {
-                        r = -ENOMEM;
-                        goto finish;
-                }
-                u->description = d;
-        }
-        /* Initialize the start priority from what has been set in the
-         * /etc/rcN.d/ hierarchies if we load the unit file as SysV
-         * init script. */
-        if (s->sysv_start_priority_from_rcnd >= 0)
-                s->sysv_start_priority = s->sysv_start_priority_from_rcnd;
-        u->load_state = UNIT_LOADED;
-        r = 0;
-        if (f)
-                fclose(f);
-        free(short_description);
-        free(long_description);
-        free(chkconfig_description);
-        return r;
-static int service_load_sysv_name(Service *s, const char *name) {
-        char **p;
-        assert(s);
-        assert(name);
-        /* For SysV services we strip the *.sh suffixes. */
-        if (endswith(name, ".sh.service"))
-                return -ENOENT;
-        STRV_FOREACH(p, UNIT(s)->manager->lookup_paths.sysvinit_path) {
-                char *path;
-                int r;
-                path = strjoin(*p, "/", name, NULL);
-                if (!path)
-                        return -ENOMEM;
-                assert(endswith(path, ".service"));
-                path[strlen(path)-8] = 0;
-                r = service_load_sysv_path(s, path);
-                if (r >= 0 && UNIT(s)->load_state == UNIT_STUB) {
-                        /* Try *.sh source'able init scripts */
-                        strcat(path, ".sh");
-                        r = service_load_sysv_path(s, path);
-                }
-                free(path);
-                if (r < 0)
-                        return r;
-                if (UNIT(s)->load_state != UNIT_STUB)
-                        break;
-        }
-        return 0;
-static int service_load_sysv(Service *s) {
-        const char *t;
-        Iterator i;
-        int r;
-        assert(s);
-        /* Load service data from SysV init scripts, preferably with
-         * LSB headers ... */
-        if (strv_isempty(UNIT(s)->manager->lookup_paths.sysvinit_path))
-                return 0;
-        if ((t = UNIT(s)->id))
-                if ((r = service_load_sysv_name(s, t)) < 0)
-                        return r;
-        if (UNIT(s)->load_state == UNIT_STUB)
-                SET_FOREACH(t, UNIT(s)->names, i) {
-                        if (t == UNIT(s)->id)
-                                continue;
-                        if ((r = service_load_sysv_name(s, t)) < 0)
-                                return r;
-                        if (UNIT(s)->load_state != UNIT_STUB)
-                                break;
-                }
-        return 0;
 static int service_verify(Service *s) {
@@ -1179,15 +406,6 @@ static int service_load(Unit *u) {
         if (r < 0)
                 return r;
-        /* Load a classic init script as a fallback, if we couldn't find anything */
-        if (u->load_state == UNIT_STUB) {
-                r = service_load_sysv(s);
-                if (r < 0)
-                        return r;
-        }
         /* Still nothing found? Then let's give up */
         if (u->load_state == UNIT_STUB)
                 return -ENOENT;
@@ -1222,12 +440,6 @@ static int service_load(Unit *u) {
                 if (r < 0)
                         return r;
-                r = sysv_fix_order(s);
-                if (r < 0)
-                        return r;
                 if (s->type == SERVICE_NOTIFY && s->notify_access == NOTIFY_NONE)
                         s->notify_access = NOTIFY_MAIN;
@@ -1243,8 +455,18 @@ static int service_load(Unit *u) {
                 if (u->default_dependencies) {
                         r = service_add_default_dependencies(s);
                         if (r < 0)
                                 return r;
+                if (u->source_path) {
+                        char **p;
+                        STRV_FOREACH(p, u->manager->lookup_paths.sysvinit_path)
+                                if (startswith(u->source_path, *p))
+                                        s->is_sysv = true;
+                }
         return service_verify(s);
@@ -1325,21 +547,10 @@ static void service_dump(Unit *u, FILE *f, const char *prefix) {
-        if (s->is_sysv)
-                fprintf(f,
-                        "%sSysV Init Script has LSB Header: %s\n"
-                        "%sSysVEnabled: %s\n",
-                        prefix, yes_no(s->sysv_has_lsb),
-                        prefix, yes_no(s->sysv_enabled));
         if (s->sysv_start_priority >= 0)
                         "%sSysVStartPriority: %i\n",
                         prefix, s->sysv_start_priority);
-        if (s->sysv_runlevels)
-                fprintf(f, "%sSysVRunLevels: %s\n",
-                        prefix, s->sysv_runlevels);
         if (s->status_text)
@@ -3469,176 +2680,6 @@ static int service_get_timeout(Unit *u, uint64_t *timeout) {
         return 1;
-static int service_enumerate(Manager *m) {
-        char **p;
-        unsigned i;
-        _cleanup_closedir_ DIR *d = NULL;
-        _cleanup_free_ char *path = NULL, *fpath = NULL, *name = NULL;
-        Set *runlevel_services[ELEMENTSOF(rcnd_table)] = {};
-        _cleanup_set_free_ Set *shutdown_services = NULL;
-        Unit *service;
-        Iterator j;
-        int r;
-        assert(m);
-        if (m->running_as != SYSTEMD_SYSTEM)
-                return 0;
-        STRV_FOREACH(p, m->lookup_paths.sysvrcnd_path)
-                for (i = 0; i < ELEMENTSOF(rcnd_table); i ++) {
-                        struct dirent *de;
-                        free(path);
-                        path = strjoin(*p, "/", rcnd_table[i].path, NULL);
-                        if (!path) {
-                                r = -ENOMEM;
-                                goto finish;
-                        }
-                        if (d)
-                                closedir(d);
-                        d = opendir(path);
-                        if (!d) {
-                                if (errno != ENOENT)
-                                        log_warning("opendir(%s) failed: %m", path);
-                                continue;
-                        }
-                        while ((de = readdir(d))) {
-                                int a, b;
-                                if (ignore_file(de->d_name))
-                                        continue;
-                                if (de->d_name[0] != 'S' && de->d_name[0] != 'K')
-                                        continue;
-                                if (strlen(de->d_name) < 4)
-                                        continue;
-                                a = undecchar(de->d_name[1]);
-                                b = undecchar(de->d_name[2]);
-                                if (a < 0 || b < 0)
-                                        continue;
-                                free(fpath);
-                                fpath = strjoin(path, "/", de->d_name, NULL);
-                                if (!fpath) {
-                                        r = -ENOMEM;
-                                        goto finish;
-                                }
-                                if (access(fpath, X_OK) < 0) {
-                                        if (errno != ENOENT)
-                                                log_warning("access() failed on %s: %m", fpath);
-                                        continue;
-                                }
-                                free(name);
-                                name = sysv_translate_name(de->d_name + 3);
-                                if (!name) {
-                                        r = log_oom();
-                                        goto finish;
-                                }
-                                r = manager_load_unit_prepare(m, name, NULL, NULL, &service);
-                                if (r < 0) {
-                                        log_warning("Failed to prepare unit %s: %s", name, strerror(-r));
-                                        continue;
-                                }
-                                if (de->d_name[0] == 'S')  {
-                                        if (rcnd_table[i].type == RUNLEVEL_UP) {
-                                                SERVICE(service)->sysv_start_priority_from_rcnd =
-                                                        MAX(a*10 + b, SERVICE(service)->sysv_start_priority_from_rcnd);
-                                                SERVICE(service)->sysv_enabled = true;
-                                        }
-                                        r = set_ensure_allocated(&runlevel_services[i],
-                                                                 trivial_hash_func, trivial_compare_func);
-                                        if (r < 0)
-                                                goto finish;
-                                        r = set_put(runlevel_services[i], service);
-                                        if (r < 0)
-                                                goto finish;
-                                } else if (de->d_name[0] == 'K' &&
-                                           (rcnd_table[i].type == RUNLEVEL_DOWN)) {
-                                        r = set_ensure_allocated(&shutdown_services,
-                                                                 trivial_hash_func, trivial_compare_func);
-                                        if (r < 0)
-                                                goto finish;
-                                        r = set_put(shutdown_services, service);
-                                        if (r < 0)
-                                                goto finish;
-                                }
-                        }
-                }
-        /* Now we loaded all stubs and are aware of the lowest
-        start-up priority for all services, not let's actually load
-        the services, this will also tell us which services are
-        actually native now */
-        manager_dispatch_load_queue(m);
-        /* If this is a native service, rely on native ways to pull in
-         * a service, don't pull it in via sysv rcN.d links. */
-        for (i = 0; i < ELEMENTSOF(rcnd_table); i ++)
-                SET_FOREACH(service, runlevel_services[i], j) {
-                        service = unit_follow_merge(service);
-                        if (service->fragment_path)
-                                continue;
-                        r = unit_add_two_dependencies_by_name_inverse(
-                                service, UNIT_AFTER, UNIT_WANTS,
-                                rcnd_table[i].target, NULL, true);
-                        if (r < 0)
-                                goto finish;
-                }
-        /* We honour K links only for halt/reboot. For the normal
-         * runlevels we assume the stop jobs will be implicitly added
-         * by the core logic. Also, we don't really distinguish here
-         * between the runlevels 0 and 6 and just add them to the
-         * special shutdown target. */
-        SET_FOREACH(service, shutdown_services, j) {
-                service = unit_follow_merge(service);
-                if (service->fragment_path)
-                        continue;
-                r = unit_add_two_dependencies_by_name(
-                        service, UNIT_BEFORE, UNIT_CONFLICTS,
-                        SPECIAL_SHUTDOWN_TARGET, NULL, true);
-                if (r < 0)
-                        goto finish;
-        }
-        r = 0;
-        for (i = 0; i < ELEMENTSOF(rcnd_table); i++)
-                set_free(runlevel_services[i]);
-        return r;
 static void service_bus_name_owner_change(
                 Unit *u,
                 const char *name,
@@ -3901,11 +2942,6 @@ const UnitVTable service_vtable = {
         .bus_commit_properties = bus_service_commit_properties,
         .get_timeout = service_get_timeout,
-        .enumerate = service_enumerate,
         .can_transient = true,
         .status_message_formats = {
diff --git a/src/core/service.h b/src/core/service.h
index 2254c3e..591257d 100644
--- a/src/core/service.h
+++ b/src/core/service.h
@@ -175,12 +175,7 @@ struct Service {
         bool start_timeout_defined:1;
         bool is_sysv:1;
-        bool sysv_has_lsb:1;
-        bool sysv_enabled:1;
-        int sysv_start_priority_from_rcnd;
         int sysv_start_priority;
-        char *sysv_runlevels;
         char *bus_name;

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