[systemd-devel] v217: ordering cycle issue

Stefan G. Weichinger lists at xunil.at
Sun Nov 2 05:57:59 PST 2014

With v217 one of my boxes stopped starting mysqld.service ... as I
looked closer I found that its tmpfiles weren't set up correctly

In journalctl I found that the setup of tmpfiles was "skipped" in a way:

Nov 02 13:33:55 goto.oops.intern systemd[1]: Found dependency on
Nov 02 13:33:55 goto.oops.intern systemd[1]: Breaking ordering cycle by
deleting job systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service/start
Nov 02 13:33:55 goto.oops.intern systemd[1]: Job
systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service/start deleted to break ordering cycle
starting with basic.target/start

Downgrading to v216 solved it for me, now I see that other gentoo-users
hit the same issues:


How can I pinpoint what's wrong here?
Does anyone else see this behavior (with other distros)?

Thanks for any help on this,
regards, Stefan

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