[systemd-devel] Unexpecte behavior for timer with OnActiveSec

Paassen, Hiram van Hiram.van.Paassen at mastervolt.com
Fri Nov 7 00:56:49 PST 2014


We need to switch to a different target after 30 min of starting that target. Switching happens with isolate.
So we have a timer with OnActiveSec=30min witch starts a service that calls systemctl isolate <other.target>

This works like a charm... the first time the target is activated. The second time we start that target nothing happens after 30 min.

After some manual testing I can conclude that a timer with OnActiveSec set will stay in elapsed state even after the timer has been restarted or stopped and then started. This is not what I expect. Also there seems to be no way to reset it to the waiting/running state except for the following procedure:

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart timer.timer

Is this expected behavior or a bug?

Best regards,

Hiram van Paassen


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